The MacRecycleClinic has donated Macintosh computers to individuals, families and non- profits over many years. This is a representative list of groups we have donated to – donations that have helped provide the tools people need to complete homework, search for jobs, work on multimedia, use email, the Internet and much more.
In you are with a non-profit that needs computers or wish to make a referral for someone who can not afford a computer and is willing to use a Mac or Chromebook, please use our Contact Us page to provide more information.

iMacs ready for Walter Reed Medical Center to help wounded warriors and their families.
Aid Our Veterans
A Wider Circle
BeUnlimited, Inc
Bikes for the World
Bokamoso Youth Foundation
Bright Beginnings
Brown Station Elementary School
Carole Highland Elementary School
Carroll County Maryland School System
Center for Battered Women
Congregation Har Shalom
Critical Exposure
Cultural Academy for Excellence
District of Columbia Department of Social Services
Four Corners Ethiopian Evangelical Church
Forest Knolls Elementary School
Gilchrist Center – Montgomery County Maryland
Holiday Park Senior Center
Howard County Social Services
Illinois Public Schools – Milan School District
Islamic Leadership Institute of America
Jamaica Elementary School
Latin American Youth Center
Leisure World MUG
Lighthouse Christian Academy
Los Padres Hispanic Outreach Program
Lutheran Social Services National Capitol Region

MacRecycleClinic gets thank you notes!
Marvin United Methodist Church
Maryland Division of Social Services
Maryland Division of Rehabilitation Services
Maryland Veterans Center
Metropolitan United Methodist Church
Mississippi Boy’s Choir
Montgomery Blair High School
Montgomery Blair High School PTSA After Prom
Montgomery Blair High School TV Production Lab
Nerds Make Media
New Jersey 4-H Camp
North Point High School
Prince Georges Community College
Project Transformation
Reading Partners
Redland Middle School
Silver Spring International Middle School
Silver Spring YMCA Children’s Day Care Center
Silver Spring United Methodist Church
Spring Knolls Day School
St. Luke Lutheran Church
St. Marys Center
St. Paul’s Episcopal Church
Student Athletes for Educational Opportunities
Travis Mills Foundation
Warrior Family Coordination Cell, Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Wheaton High School PTSA Post Prom